I started a blog!!
If you know me well enough to know my deepest secrets and wildest dreams, you’d know I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Words have always influenced me significantly, in good ways and bad. ;) I love audiobooks, reading blogs, recipes, cards I received on my 16th birthday, and everything in between. Most of you don’t know that I write in my head all the time. The memoir I hope to leave my great great, great-grandchildren. The stories I’d love to write about my grandparents, the fun times with friends, wedding speeches, and the list goes on. With all that in my head, nothing compares to the stories I write while traveling. Recommendations on where to eat, what to order or places to visit, and how to get there. Stories about how the Eiffel Tower sparkles at night and how It made me feel seeing it for the first time. Or how to book a kick-ass bachelorette party that celebrates your best friends in the best way you know how. In fact, I even started a blog in college with one whole whopping story floating out there in cyberspace.
I’ve always loved writing, but here’s the thing, I’ve never been good at grammar; I can’t tell you what a proper sentence looks like. To be honest, it’s because I don’t care. I don’t care if punctuation is wrong or misspelled; it doesn’t impact me, even if a sentence runs on too much. So if you’re that person that criticizes writing expertise, then this might not be the blog for you. If you’re not interested in reading about my non-glamorous travel life, then that’s okay! There are so many resources; find the one that tickles your fancy. But if you’re interested in reading a wanna-be writer mixed with a dreamer wrapped up into one strong blonde personality (thank you to the boy who informed me of that), this might be the travel blog for you!
Welcome, I’m thrilled you are here!
My dream with this blog is to share my experiences so you can experience more of the world.
That’s it.
I find the deepest joy in immersing in different cultures, walking around new cities, and taking a million photos. My best friend often tells me that the best version of me is on vacation (still working through it if that’s a compliment, lol). Either way, I want to share my life with you, even if it’s just one of you! It won’t be perfect by any means, but it will be honest; I can promise you that. I’ll add what to do and what not to do when exploring whatever corner of the earth you desire.
I have no idea what will come of this, but I hope you’ll stay along for the journey and know that it means the world to me that you’re here!